Hai.....bad day today. First...I woke up like...really late when I was supposed to have a 830 presentation. It's an important presentation, and I was supposed to bring the saved copy of our presentation slides. And who knows...my alarm didn't ring and I only woke up at 813!! I can't believe this...and yet i took the trouble to set two alarms for this morning=(. Well well...luckily i informed my other group members in time to remedy the situation...or else...I think i would have screwed up the whole presentation...sighz. Our presentation went on fine after that....but we realised...at the last minute...that our report was supposed to be kept to 800 words....while we had 1000 plus words in our report! Arghh...another thing to worry...so throughout the presentation, sam and i were frantically trying to edit the report, cutting it to 800 plus words. And the reason for the flurry was because if we did not stick to the word quota, we would be penalised in terms of marks. Sighzz.....and all that happened during the morning lecture. However, we managed to get our report out by the end of lecture, so at least we remedied the situation.
Supposed to study 104 and 105 today. But oh well...i spent a total of 2 and a half hours on this 105 chapter....cos i couldnt concentrate! Irritated....dissed...annoyed....oh well....can't believe it....so unproductive. Went on to do my 104 preparations...but didn't really know what i was arguing about as well....sigh...nothing seems to go well today. Getting really worried for my political studies paper...cos the questions are really tough...and arguments....though can be formulated....are difficult to be strung together to form a cogent argument. Sighzzzz....luckily i still have some time for political studies. I guess i better concentrate on my advertising and PR in the mean time.... |