Sunday, March 06, 2005 |
Totally adore gojane tops.....but wonder if they are worth the money. They are realli pretty.....but dunno abt the quality though.....waiting and waiting for another gojane spree....heh heh..... Oh mood to do work lately.......realli just feel like slacking. Hall prod's going at a realli fast pace now...cos the play's in 3 weeks...and every weekend there seems to be a full dress rehearsal going on....while in btw we have all the stuff that we need to do.....sell many things that needs to be done at the last minute. Tickets are again...late.....sighzzz....even though we planned to print it like sooooooo long ago......what the..... Trend story coming up......GE project coming up my CS 215 term project. I have been procrastinating these days....unlike the Allie before recess full of drive and passion for school work. Hard to believe....but yeah...i was....untill now.......I realli need to find the steam and the drive to push me to do work again.......amidst all these other distractions that can realli make me deviate from my normal path.... I just wanna play these days....go cept for studying. I keep finding excuses to not study. Oh welll....i do hate myself sometimes........ CS 203 due on 28th march.......GE proj due on 28th march.........CS215 project due on 1st april....these all seem realli near suddenly. I CANNOT procrastinate anymore......i gotta do work NOW. I will remind myself of these deadlines every day. I will...................come on can do it.......... |
allie ♥ 11:43 PM |
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