Owing to he quick disappearance of cupcake batch 1...i decided to make a second batch with dark chocolate!
somehow i think the dark chocolate i used wasnt the right one so the result was not what i had hoped for...
Anyway here are the cupcakes!! I still had some white chocolate from the last batch and I decided to use it too. Made a total of 16 cupcakes :)
Packed a box for a sweet friend of mine who happens to love white chocolate. If anyone's game to try my cupcakes....you can let me know ya...i still have some more. the rest shall go to my guinea pigs in the office :P
allie ♥ 4:33 PM
Friday, August 03, 2007
Was inspired To make cupcakes cos i saw These :). so pretty aren' they...
After baking for some 3 hour...here are my efforts...
No bad I would say...but my camera's pretty lousy...which explains the ugly pictures.