Weeee...finally reached home. Had a loooong looooong day today.
Woke up early in the morning cos i couldnt sleep and was thinking of the activities i had later on in the day. So i got out of bed, did some housework for mummy...ironed clothes, vacuum the floor, before i went to bathe and went out.
My first stop, the hair salon to do my hair! Have been wanting to dye my hair for the longest time really...and today, i finally went to do it.
Tada....my new hair colour...lol. Not a great change from my current colour, but i like it nevertheless =).
.jpg) After that, went to meet Alvin to shop for some shirts. G2000 was very crowded due to the sale...but there really wasnt much to see in there. Also went to Springfield, the shirts were not bad..but a little ex though. He bought two shirts there...nice nice!
After being the fashion advisor for a few hours, i headed over to AMK hub to meet ger for some shopping of our own! Poor bro gotta go watch movie alone because of that =(.
Oh well, for the 2 hours while bro watched AVP, we only went into 3 shops! Haha! Went to Verge cos ger wanted to try on some clothes...but didnt buy anything. Then we went to Dano. Dano isnt really the kind of shop i usually patron, but we spent like almost a good hour there =X. Ger was trying lotsa clothes and to my surprise, i found a few things that i like there too! In the end, i bought a pretty white top, a white skirt which i totally adore, and a satin purple tube top. I love the tube and skirt combi...ger says it's nice too! Ger bought a pinafore skirt and bright pink shirt which i thought was really cute, as well as a pair of pants. We actually spent enough to qualify for membership after a hefty 30% discount =X. I cant believe we went so mad there...haha.
After some damage to my pocket, we went over to Vana to see some shoes. There was a bright blue polka dotted pair that i absolutely adore. But i didnt have anything to go with it so didnt buy it =(. It was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly pretty though.
Disclaimer: girls put their phones in their bags so they cant really hear their ringtones when it's noisy and cant feel the vibrations either....unlike guys who can feel the vibrations cos they put their phones in their pocket
"How can i supposed to find you girls when you dont pick up your phones?????" was the message i got from bro. Oops!!! Turned out that bro had been walking around AMK hub twice before he found us. Hahahahaha...sorry la....phone in bag, cannot hear nor feel the vibrations =X.
Was feeling hungry by this time so we went for dinner at Ichiban Sushi. I love Ichiban's food. Tried the food at Ichiban Boshi and it was great! So i was happy to patronise another Ichiban branch today. But the queue was sooooooooo long....about 15-20 people in front of us. But the wait wasn't long, good for us, and we managed to get a seat in about 20 minutes.
Finally, Makan time!! Feeling happy for myself cos this is the first meal of my day!Look at the amount of food we ordered!! Hmmm...dont look like alot...haha!

Ger feeling happy with the spread we got!

What's left after some time

The poor salmon sushi...which none of us had space for in the end. Sorryyyyy =X

Yum yum....i love the chawanmushi at Ichiban! Will definitely go back again...but i do feel that the Esplanade branch serves much better food, in terms of their standard.
Me and my shopping bags!

All in all, great day I've end. Much damage to my pocket...though in the name of CNY =X. Waiting for the babes to come pei me now.....=) |