The past few days were a liiiiitttle tormenting, though nothing close to the worst times i've been through. I think i went overboard in a bid to cheer myself up Finally bought that pink camera that i've been lemming the form of the Panasonic Lumix FX38!
Well, i spent about 2 days searching for options other than the Sony T70 and the Panasonic Lumix FX38 - the first two that really caught my mind (and my heart) and found many many choices...from the Olympus mju to Canon Ixus and even to Samsung. But in the end, it was still a toss between the very extreeeeeeeeeeeeeemely pretty and stylish pink Sony T70 and the cool and functional pink Panasonic Lumix FX38. Well, Panasonic won hands down, and the difference lies in some pre-conditioning...heh. I can forsee some camera-whoring times ahead!
Working OT today, mummy dearest asked me to bake some cookies for my cousin's bday celebration, though i actually wanted to bake for a friend's bday too. Hence ended up doing for both! Here's what i managed to do after almost 3 hours:
Second try at the soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies from Martha Stewart's book, at the request of mum! Silly me forgot to buy almonds for cookie kisses, hope i'll wake up early enuff to head out to grab some.
Yawnsssss...time for bed! |